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5 Reasons to Replace Your Aging Gas Water Heater (Even If It Works)

If your home is connected to a local natural gas network, using a gas-powered water heater to provide for your hot water needs is usually a sound decision. Gas-powered water heaters are significantly cheaper to run than electric models in most areas where natural gas is widely available. Most gas-powered heaters can also be used during power outages. 

Gas water heaters are also just as durable and reliable as electric water heaters, and many homeowners have been using the same gas heater for a decade or longer. However, you shouldn't necessarily hold on to an aging gas boiler just because it still works.

Of course, a new gas water heater is a significant investment for most households and not one you should make lightly. However, replacing your old gas-powered water heater with a new water heating system can benefit your home in a variety of ways, even if your existing heater still functions well.

What Are the Benefits of Replacing an Aging Gas Water Heater?

Improved Efficiency

Gas-powered water heaters are renowned for their efficiency, but residential water heater technology is constantly progressing. Many modern electric water heaters are more energy efficient than gas-powered heaters made ten or fifteen years ago and can be cheaper to run even if gas prices in your area are very low.

Replacing your old gas heater with a new gas, electric, or hybrid water heater can lead to substantial energy savings, and can significantly reduce how much you spend on energy bills. While a new water heater can cost thousands of dollars, the substantial savings they offer mean that many new water heaters effectively pay for themselves inside a few years.

The improved efficiency of a new water heater can also make your household more eco-friendly, and reduce its carbon footprint. This is especially true if you choose a hybrid replacement heater — these water heaters use combined electrical and gas power to heat water and are exceptionally energy efficient. 

Increased Safety

The natural gas and/or propane used to power gas water heaters can be highly dangerous if inhaled, and a gas leak in your water heating system can pose a significant threat to you and your family. Fortunately, all gas water heaters are designed with multiple layers of protection that prevent gas leaks from occurring.

However, gas water heaters that have been used for longer than the manufacturer's initial recommendations (usually 8-12 years) are more likely to develop dangerous gas leaks. Gas leak incidents caused by old or damaged gas water heaters are still incredibly rare, but erring on the safe side and replacing your aging water heater is never a bad idea.

Less Space Required

Older models of gas water heater tend to be large, bulky pieces of equipment, which can take up an inconvenient amount of space if you live in a smaller home. A new water heater of any kind is likely to be significantly smaller and more compact, and replacing your aging water heater can free up floor space you didn't know you had. 

Contact a water heater service to learn more.
