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Five Reasons Your Septic Bacterial Biome Is In Trouble

Septic systems depend upon the workings of a rich bacterial colony in the tank and drain field. If waste is not breaking down properly in your tank, the issue could be with the bacterial balance. Although a septic repair service can pump the tank and clean it thoroughly to give you a fresh start, this is only a temporary repair. To fully remedy the problem, you must attend to the bacterial health of the tank.

1. Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals include those with bleach and other caustic elements in them. Keep in mind that not only cleaning products contain harsh chemicals. Items like paint thinners can also contain caustic elements that will kill off the bacterial colony in your septic tank. Although you can use cleaners that contain bleach in small amounts, avoid heavy use since this can completely destroy the bacteria.

2. Anti-bacterial Items

When choosing soaps and detergents for washing clothing, dishes, or your own body, avoid those that tout themselves as being anti-bacterial. Normal soaps and detergents are fine for cleaning and disinfecting most household surfaces without being powerful enough to completely decimate the bacterial colonies inside your septic tank. Anti-bacterial products, on the other hand, can kill off most if not all of your septic bacteria.

3. Tank Additives

There are plenty of products that claim to introduce helpful bacteria into your septic system so you don't have to worry about bacterial die-off. Unfortunately, many of these do more harm than good and will instead upset the microbial balance of your tank. As a general rule, never use a septic tank additive unless you are explicitly told to by your septic service technician. If this is the case, only use the type of additive that they recommend.

4. Medications

Never flush your unused medications down the toilet or pour liquid medications down a sink drain. Not only can medications affect groundwater and poison wildlife downstream, but it can also upset the bacterial balance in your septic tank. Instead, dispose of all medications at an approved landfill or call your pharmacy to see if they offer disposal for old and unused medications.

5. Solids

Your septic system is designed to break down some solids, but overloading the system can overwhelm the bacterial and even cause the colony to fail. As a general rule, the only solids that should go into the tank is human waste and septic-safe toilet paper. Food, grease, and other paper products can cause issues.

Contact a septic tank pumping service for more help.
