Fixing Your Plumbing To Fix Your Life

Key Factors That May Necessitate Residential Sewer Line Replacement

The sewer line's primary role is to transport wastewater from your home to the sewer mains. Any faults along this pipe can cause sewage to leak into your yard or back up into your home. Some problems require repairs, while others demand sewer line replacement. You can fix issues such as sewer clogs by repairing and cleaning the piping. However, the following factors necessitate a complete replacement of your sewer line.

Pipe Aging

If you live in an older home, you could be dealing with an old sewer line. With time, materials such as clay simply break down and wear away. Metal sewer piping may rust and wear. Similarly, old plastic pipes may crack due to environmental stress. When this happens, sewage leaks into the ground. The parts of your yard above the sewer line may start to flourish better than the rest. 

You may also notice sewer odors in your yard. You need to replace your old sewer line with new piping to restore its performance. Choose a durable pipe material such as PVC. Quality PVC piping is resistant to corrosion, making it a superior option to most metal pipes. Also, it can last a lifetime before requiring replacement.

Pipe Rupture

Sewer lines may rupture for various reasons. One common cause is the use of invasive equipment around the sewer line. Excavation equipment can break your sewer pipes and cause leaks. Take care when excavating the ground around your sewer line. Other causes include:

Invasion by tree roots

Large tree roots can invade the sewer line and break through the piping, causing clogs and sewer leaks. If your home has large trees, you can use chemicals to inhibit root growth near your sewer line. Alternatively, erect metal or wood barriers on the sides of the pipes to prevent tree roots from invading. You can also use metal sewer pipes as they are less susceptible to damage from tree roots. 

Corrosion of metal sewer pipes

Older metal pipes can corrode and suffer weakness, which may cause the pipe to rupture over time. Replace old pipes with corrosion-resistant ones such as PVC and clay. If metal is your preferred material, go for galvanized steel or any alloyed steel pipe.

Frozen wastewater

A clogged sewer line may trap wastewater and increase the risk of freezing and rupture during the winter. If your area experiences freezing temperatures, it's advisable to unclog your sewer line before winter to prevent freezing and rupture. Avoid dumping debris and grease into your drains, as they can cause pipe blockage.

Is your sewer line failing because of the above factors? Repairing it won't solve the problem. Instead, plan for complete pipe replacement. Contact a plumber for professional sewer line replacement services!
