4 Reasons Why You Should Make Hydro Jetting Your New Year's Resolution
The next time you're making out that all-important list of New Year's resolutions, you might want to consider adding a hydro jet cleaning to that list. Hydro jetting offers an effective way of cleaning your main sewer line, breaking up the fat deposits and other assorted debris that could leave your home's drains completely blocked. Here are a few reasons why a hydro jetting service should be at the top of your resolutions list.
Troubleshooting A Sump Pump That Runs But Does Not Release Water
Sump pumps are essential devices used in homes across the country to reduce basement flooding concerns. Most of the pumps will last about 10 years. If you have a pump that stops working after just a few years, then you can likely troubleshoot the device to get it up and running once again. If you notice that the pump turns on and the motor runs but no water moves from the sump pump pit, then keep reading to learn how to resolve this problem.
Entertaining In Tiny Houses: 4 Ways To Make Guests Comfortable
Owning a tiny home may be great for everyday living, but the small square footage of a tiny house can lead to problems when it comes to hosting family and guests. If you love your tiny space, but still want to entertain, then there are four ways to make guests feel more comfortable. By planning ahead, small gathering, parties, or holiday celebrations can have a better flow and increase the comfort level of your home.
Buying A Home With A Septic Tank? Tips For Inspecting The System
For many potential home buyers, their biggest concerns are often the size of kitchen and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. However, if you're considering purchasing a home in a more rural area, there is an additional factor that deserves your attention: the septic system. Don't purchase a home with a potentially faulty septic system that will cost you thousands to fix. Instead, here are a few tips to help you inspect the tank and field:
How To Troubleshoot Well Pump Freezing Issues
If you have a water well that supplies your home with fluid, then you probably rely on the various parts of the well a great deal. The well pump, pressure switch, pressure tank, and the plumbing lines that connect all of these pieces must work in conjunction with one another. Sometimes, a single issue along the system can leave you without any water whatsoever. This can be especially problematic in the winter when there is a freezing problem.
Several Reasons You Might Have Low Water Pressure In Your Home
Low water pressure is a common problem for many homeowners, and this issue can be caused by a number of different things. If you want to find out what is causing this so you can get the problem fixed, you should call a plumbing contractor. Plumbers know exactly what to check to locate the problem, and they can perform all the necessary adjustments and repairs to help you get the water pressure you desire.
How To Temporarily Repair Burst Pipes
Burst water pipes always seem to strike in the middle of the night or on long weekends, leaving you with no choice but to contend with the problem yourself or pay the fee for an emergency visit from your plumber. While there are times when calling for emergency plumbing services is clearly your best choice, you can often take temporary measures to correct the problem until normal business hours when you can call in the plumber.
Addicted to Greasy Foods? How Can You Protect Your Plumbing?
While low-fat versions of many foods are mass produced to appeal to consumers who are looking to shed a few pounds, you may find these modified foods unappealing or overly sugary. Indeed, there are evolutionary factors at play that simply make fatty foods taste better than their low-fat or fat-free brethren. While recent research has indicated that fat—including the once-dreaded saturated fat—is not only not unhealthy, but actually good for you, the same can't be said for fat's effect on your home's plumbing system.
4 Benefits Of Using Video Inspections For Clogged Shower Drains
Every time you shower, there's a lot more going down the drain than just excess water. Soap scum, hair, and other debris can quickly fill a drain and cause a potential clog. When contacting a plumber to clear the clog, you can also request a video inspection for the shower drain. This process uses a small camera that is fed through the drain to give visuals on the clog and the pipe drainage system.
How to Repair a Leaking Copper Pipe With a Soldered Slip-Tee
A lot of homeowners are unsure of themselves when working with copper plumbing, but there is no need to be afraid of performing basic repairs such as fixing pinhole leaks. If you have recently discovered a small leak in a copper water line, then you can successfully make the repair. All it takes is a little know-how and using the right tools and materials for the job. Below is a list of what you will need as well as a procedure for the fix: